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Eco Living – When All Is Not So Green

We have all heard about the joys and benefits of going green, and about how it is inevitable in current times. The sky high levels of pollution, and the global warming and climate change phenomena have been discussed aplenty, particularly by the environmentally conscious American population. Yet, eco-friendly living has not established itself well in the US, despite several calls for change. Exploring this in depth reveals some startling truths about Eco-conscious living.

Why Going Green Is
Admittedly several benefits work in favor of an environmental-friendly lifestyle. For one thing it ensures health living and the satisfaction that the world will remain beautiful and unscarred. Perhaps the innate contentment also comes from knowing that the world we live in will be a secure and wholesome abode for generations to come. Being environmentally conscious is appealing and is certainly a worthy cause.

The Downside to Eco Friendly Living
While acknowledging the benefits of adopting the Eco-friendly way of life, one must wonder if these reasons suffice to bring in the Eco revolution into the mainstream. Are these well recognized pros of living green grounds enough to call for a global shift in our way of life?

Albeit that environmental friendliness is a commendable concept, it comes with its share of pitfalls. The financial strain of converting to an entirely divergent lifestyle is tremendous as is the need for adjustment at the individual level. Also the rewards of green living will not pay off until it comes about in a bug way and it may still take decades before any substantial effect is witnessed. Reason enough to dampen the spirits of many an ardent go-green advocate, who might never reap the benefits of their sacrifices.

The pros may well triumph over the cons of environmental friendly living, yet going green calls for great change and now. Perhaps it will still be years before the debate is truly resolved.
